The Lock Down Sketches…

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How I tackled the “Lock down Blues” with daily sketches …

Let’s take it back to early March 2020… I had just returned to the UK after a well earned holiday venturing around Hungary and Slovenia with two good friends.

During those travels, the looming Corona Virus pandemic was never far behind and in the last half of our week away we saw Budapest’s bars, museums and public gatherings ground to a complete halt and we were gutted… So It wasn’t long after our return that the UK followed suit and a week later we were in solid “LOCK DOWN”

So, I had to adapt to some new indoor pastimes, just like everyone else in the world. I decided to set a little challenge for myself, something to shake the dust off my sketchbooks and to help document the mundane lock down days.

Ignore the creased shirt…. it’s lock down, what can i say?

The drawings started as simple sketches around the house, I kind of enjoyed shedding a new light on the simple mundane scenes around the home…

I soon ran out of mundane household objects to draw though… plus i was going a little insane so i started to draw the view out from the decking and even the house itself….

Soon enough the cabin fever really kicked in so I started to take a sketchbook out on my daily walks or i’d take photos on my runs and sketch them when i got home…

This one was a little off-piste’ as my friend was unlucky enough to have a birthday during the lock down… So as birthday card I drew his beloved Fiat X1/9 Bertone.


As the lock down extended, my efforts to make it a daily routine grew thin and thinner soon enough it became less of a regular habit, …

…but now and then i’ll pick up a pen and the little brown book and sketch something new!….

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Draw at home with… @KimKanone

Instagram has provided a great community of artists like @KimKanone that post images to encourage imagination and allow people to Draw at home in their own style...

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Sketching a moment in time…


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